Ultra-Fan Wiki

Tidal Lord Gakuzom is one of the Destruction Beasts.


A darker and more vicious Gakuzom along with a single blade arm.


Ultraman Beast[]

Tidal Lord Gakuzom is a genetically engineered monster created by Mirashi to help in conquering Earth.


  • Energy Blasts: Tidal Lord Gakuzom can fire missile-strength blasts of purple energy from his claws.
  • Portal: When needed, Tidal Lord Gakuzom is capable of travelling long distances with his dark portal.
  • Dark Mist: Tidal Lord Gakuzom can unleash a dark mist that used to silhouette his appearance underwater as well as to darken Japan's sky.
  • Water Manipulation: Tidal Lord Gakuzom can manipulate the ocean and majorly water based weather.
    • Tidal Wave: Tidal Lord Gakuzom can summon a large tidal wave.
    • Hurricane: Tidal Lord Gakuzom can summon small category 1 hurricanes.


  • Originally, King of Mons and Zogu were supposed to appear, but I changed it since Gakuzom is more obscure than Gaia's other final monsters.