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Darklops Beyond is a variation of the standard Darklops meant to mimic Zero Beyond's powers. It is the most powerful of all of Darchazeromora's Darklops.


After his defeat at the hands of Ultraman Zero Beyond, Darchazeromora, managing to survive, sought out to replicate this powerful new form through another Darklops unit.


Powers and Abilities[]

  • Flight: Darklops Beyond can maneuver an anti-gravity flight.
  • Darklops Slash: A copy of Ultraman Zero's Emerium Slash.
  • Darklops Mazer: Like Darklops Zero, Darklops Beyond can fire a powerful beam from his cyclopean eye.
  • Darkquad Sluggers: Darklops Beyond possesses a set of Quattro Sluggers comparable in strength and mobility to Ultraman Zero Beyond's.
  • Darkness Chorus: Darklops Beyond releases 8 energy cores from the crystals on his arms, then he stretches his arms to the side and fires beams from those energy cores.
    • Darkness Slugging Chorus: A technique which involves Darklops Beyond launching the Darkquad Sluggers and the Darkness Chorus simultaneously at the enemy.
  • Darklops Beyond Shot: An improved version of the Darklops Zero Shot.
  • Darklops Defensor: Darklops Beyond's version of the Beyond Defensor.
  • Super Power: In general, Darklops Beyond's strength, speed and agility are all increased from the other Darklops.


  • Darklops Beyond is directly based on an image of the same concept made by ultrakenp on Twitter. It can be seen here.
  • Image by Gren and Furno.