Ultra-Fan Wiki

A group of clown like space monsters and aliens that go around scaring people...


Clown Mafia members are either clown like Kaiju or Clown like Seijin. They usually make no sound and stalks victims for the sheer fun factor of terror, however some try to legitimately murder their victims and it is thought that these extremists can somehow feed off of their victim's fears.

While the size of their organization is unknown, it is estimated that their funding is at least enough to escape the Cosmic Police's grasp. The members of this organization usually fear the Titans as they're on such a higher plane of power; more specifically the dark crusader, the Batkre.

Members (From highest to lowest)[]

  1. Baltans
  2. Real Creepy Pasta
  3. Rogue Ultras and former Titans
  4. Eldritch Things
  5. Others

Objects of Fear[]

  • Titans: Because the Titans that frequent the Rift Cafe are more than capable of ending their entire existence if their headquarters were found out, they mistook that all members of the race are that powerful and as such fears them.
  • Batkre: Over the course of their existence, the Batkre has hunted down and turned in over 9,802,142,344,893,222,991,666 of their members with a 100% capture rate. This in turn caused the organization to absolutely dread the Dark Crusader.
  • Titan Princes: Despite them not really bothering the Titan Princes, they apparently know of their existence and dreads the fact that there's an even stronger version of Sol that would likely end their existence in a flash, or worse a more powerful Batkre.
  • Cosmic Police: While not as feared as the Titans or Batkre, they're always on the run because despite them being a crime syndicate, their individual numbers are in fact very very weak in comparison.
  • The Cosmic Super Baloney Sandwich: Apparently, there is a cosmic sandwich that exists that will end all of evil in one single bite should anyone eat it. Because the organization as awhole is technically evil, they absolutely dread this. However, it was just Batkre trolling them with faked ancient scriptures.


  • This page is mainly for user Akreious to edit as he sees fit.
  • They are based on the Creepy Killer Clown Prank fad.