Ultra-Fan Wiki

The Alien Pedans are an alien race which appears in Ultraman Legacy.



The Pedans first invaded the Earth during Ultraseven's time on Earth but were defeated.


Another group of Pedans appeared during Ultraman Legacy's time on Earth. First they used an army of drone King Joes, along with a much more powerful vacation controlling them. This attempt was thwarted by Legacy and Ultraseven, with all of the robots being destroyed. The Pedans weren't finished however, and rebuilt the monster Pandon to use as a weapon against the two Ultras, Though their cyborg fought well, this attempt was all thwarted. After defeating Reconstructed Pandon, Legacy and Seven flew off into space to confront the Pedsns directly, and attempted to attack their ship. However, the Pedans had one more trick under their sleeve, and it turned out that their ship was actually the robotic dragon Kaiju Narse! Due to not expecting this, Legacy and Seven were caught off guard and had difficulty combating Narse, who was much faster than either of them. Eventually, Legacy and Seven succeeded and destroyed Narse, killing all of the invading Pedans inside, ending their invasion.

Abilities and Weapons[]

  • Armor: All of the seen Pedans were outfitted with an armor they used during combat.
  • King Joe/King Joe Drones: Their robot weapon used in their first invasion attempt.
  • Reconstructed Pandon: The cyborg Kaiju used in their second invasion attempt.
  • Nurse: The Pedans spaceship/final weapon.
  • Blasters: The seen Pedans were equipped with powerful blaster rifles.


  • The Alien Pedans are the first invading alien race in the series to receive a page (not counting lone invaders), and are the main villains of the episodes where Legacy initially teams up with Ultraseven.